1. Our team conducted a diagnostic review to uncover drivers of high overtime spend, developed initiatives to address identified gaps, and provided implementation and embedment support at a large South African State-Owned Entity

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 2. Our consultants contributed to identifying savings opportunities and implementing cost optimisation initiatives for a petrochemical company

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 3. Our consultants identified drivers of operational deviations and defined high priority process areas for improvement at a large logistics industry player

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 4. Our consultants were integral to the implementation of performance improvement initiatives for a rail logistics company

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 5. Our consultants supported Africa’s largest electricity provider to manage maintenance outages

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 6. Our consultants were instrumental in redesigning and implementing a new operating model for an oil & gas company

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 7. Our consultants conducted research to support the development of an international expansion strategy for an airports management company

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 8. Our consultants participated in the creation of performance transparency for government schools in one of South Africa’s provinces

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